Friday 10 July 2009

Is coming first place really the prize?

It was sports day today for four of my children and as the day progresses the competition mounts and the focus on coming first becomes important. This is a great life lesson that sometimes you have to be driven to win but at what expense? Should being the winner be the ultimate goal?

Obviously we will all have different answers to this question as we all have very different goals and are all different people. But I wonder if I lack the desire to be number one and that is why I can always think of a new idea to start a great business but that is where it stays, an idea. Somedays I would love a fantastic career as a pyschologist and then others I want to stay at home and make cushions. Yet tomorrow I could find myself searching for a part time Masters in Literature at a uni nearby so I can still be here for my children and not disrupt their lives too much. But by Sunday I could well be checking out competition on if I was to make jewelery!

Sometimes I think we have too much choice, yet I am grateful that I view the sky as the limit and can believe I could do any of these things. If I am going to try to be the winner I need to decide which event to focus my attention!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! This is EXACTLY how I feel about things! haha!

    It can be VERY frustrating at times...what's the saying "jack of all trades, master of none" - that's how life makes me feel on times!


    hello gorgeous xxx
